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We use positive affirmations week to week in class - holding these positive statements in our mind and saying them aloud together.

Positive affirmations are a very powerful technique to help the subconscious mind adopt new beliefs. Stating them aloud magnifies them even more than a simple thought - it can feel strange but it is very effective!

There are many to choose from such as “Breathe in Strength, Breathe Away Tension”. You'll find a selection in the short film below.

Some people find it helpful to have them written or printed out and stuck somewhere like the bathroom mirror, keep them in their bag, or record and listen to them.

Try practicing affirmations with diaphragmatic breathing, such as the 'centred breath' if you find you need a bit of time to quiet and centre.

There are also some useful affirmations apps that come with pre-loaded pregnancy affirmations and allow you to upload your own. Examples include iam and Think App, which also gives you the option for audio affirmations.



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